Why do people text if they know it’s so dangerous?

Texting and driving is a hazard, yet many people continue to do it despite the risks to themselves and others. As someone who has been involved in a crash with someone who was texting, you may be saying to yourself that it wasn’t worth it, because now you’re dealing with the fallout from the…

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Who is most likely to be fatally injured at work in New Jersey?

The last couple of years have been like no other for employees of all kinds in New Jersey and across the Northeast. However, some statistics recently released by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for 2020 give some idea of how deadly workplace injuries are most likely to occur – and to whom. Despite…

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What should you do about a tailgater?

It’s unnerving when someone begins tailgating you aggressively. In the mirror, it looks like that car is right on your back bumper. This is exaggerated if it’s a large vehicle, such as an SUV or a pickup truck.  You know that it’s dangerous to have someone driving that close to you. They are certainly…

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Traumatic brain injuries can creep up on you after a wreck

The force of a motor vehicle wreck can lead to severe damage to a person’s body. While many injuries, such as broken bones, are easily noticed at the scene of the crash, there are some that don’t show up for a while.  A brain injury is one that can be catastrophic, but it might…

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Smashed fingers can be serious injuries

Workers in almost every industry are at risk of smashing their fingers in some type of way. Office workers might accidentally slam a drawer on them. A banker may close their finger in a safe. A construction worker may miss a nail and hit their finger instead.  While you might assume that a smashed…

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When road rage leads to a car accident

In the United States, road rage accounts for 54% of motor vehicle accidents. Add to that the fact that at least 37% of drivers carry a gun in their car and you have a recipe for disaster. Every year, 30 murders are committed by aggressive drivers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,…

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