Does a mistake on the job prevent a workers’ compensation claim?

Workplace accidents occur in all industries and for all sorts of reasons. Maybe someone in a warehouse gets hurt because they have trouble with having equipment. Perhaps failure of a copier leads to a burn or electrical injury for an administrative professional. Some of the workplace injuries that occur are the result of random…

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Many spinal cord injuries require lifelong care

Most able-bodied people take their ability to perform basic life tasks for granted. They may not think a lot about what life would be like if they suddenly lost that ability. People who have suffered from a spinal cord injury are often thrust into a life of limitations that they didn’t have before. There…

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Does New Jersey have a one-bite rule for when dogs hurt people?

It only takes a moment for a pleasant interaction with a dog to turn into a traumatic experience. When animals turn aggressive, they can leave lasting physical and psychological injuries for their victims. Owners should do their best to prevent their animals from hurting other people. Some dogs have a history of aggressive behavior…

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Freezing conditions present extreme danger to outdoor workers

The recent mega snowstorm and frigid conditions had many New Jersey residents staying home from work and off the roads. But that option is a luxury that outdoor workers did not have even when the mercury dipped into the single digits. The spate of harsh weather led to the director of the local Occupational…

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Psychological trauma can persist after car wrecks

Sometimes, after an auto accident, the physical injuries may pale in comparison to the psychological trauma the accident victims suffer. While very serious car wrecks are likely to cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), even relatively minor collisions can leave the injured parties with lingering issues. Learning more about the psychological effects of accidents can…

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Winter and spring are slip-and-fall seasons at your local store

Wet weather has a strong association with slippery surfaces and people getting hurt. Freezing rain and snow can cause car crashes during the winter months in New Jersey. They can also lead to people experiencing slip-and-falls while out running errands, like grocery shopping. While spring weather will reduce the likelihood of snow and ice-related…

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