Can a brain injury ruin your relationship?

Traumatic brain injuries are alarmingly common in the U.S. In fact, according to the American Brain Foundation, approximately 1.7 million Americans sustain them every single year. Even though airbags and seat belts have improved car safety, motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of TBI.

If you have a TBI after a car accident, you might expect to face a long road to recovery. You may not realize, though, that a TBI can put a tremendous strain on your personal relationships. Sadly, a TBI even might lead to the breakdown of your marriage.

Personality changes

According to Psychology Today, TBI sufferers often have drastic personality changes. These changes can include mood swings, angry outbursts and bouts of depression. If your spouse cannot deal with the post-injury version of you, he or she might decide to end your marriage.

Injury-related accommodations

It is not uncommon for individuals with TBI to modify their homes to better manage their injuries. Even if home modifications are necessary, your spouse might no longer feel comfortable at home. This may cause him or her to contemplate divorce.

Financial constraints

Like other serious injuries, TBI can put a considerable financial strain on you and your husband or wife. This is because treating and recovering from a catastrophic brain injury can be expensive. Even among healthy couples, financial difficulties are to blame for the breakdowns of many marriages in the U.S.

Ultimately, if a TBI ruins the good relationship you have with your spouse, you may have additional reasons to pursue financial compensation from the individual who caused your injury.