Psychological trauma can persist after car wrecks

Sometimes, after an auto accident, the physical injuries may pale in comparison to the psychological trauma the accident victims suffer. While very serious car wrecks are likely to cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), even relatively minor collisions can leave the injured parties with lingering issues. Learning more about the psychological effects of accidents can…

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Winter and spring are slip-and-fall seasons at your local store

Wet weather has a strong association with slippery surfaces and people getting hurt. Freezing rain and snow can cause car crashes during the winter months in New Jersey. They can also lead to people experiencing slip-and-falls while out running errands, like grocery shopping. While spring weather will reduce the likelihood of snow and ice-related…

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Can you get workers’ comp if your employer has closed its doors?

The past two years have left many businesses struggling. A significant number of New Jersey’s small businesses didn’t survive 2020. When a business has to close its doors, its employees suffer. However, workers’ compensation benefits shouldn’t be a casualty. If you have filed a workers’ comp claim or are already getting benefits after a…

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