What are the signs of a spinal cord injury?

In New Jersey, one of the more common personal injuries is the spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries include any damage to the spinal cord or nerves. These damages may lead to changes in bodily functions below the injury site, changes in strength and sensation. Spinal cord injuries are devastating for patients. They affect every aspect of a person’s life.

When you suffer from trauma to the head or neck, there is always a possibility of spinal cord injury. In fact, medical experts recommend that a person have a medical evaluation right away. Mayo Clinic explains how medical professionals often assume that there is a spinal injury until they have proof that the patient does not.

Spinal injuries are not always obvious right away. Some signs to look out for include:

  • Numbness or paralysis that comes on gradually
  • Bleeding or swelling around the spinal cord
  • Extreme back pain
  • Weakness and incoordination
  • Balance and walking difficulty
  • Breathing impairments after injury

When a person suffers a spinal cord injury, he or she may lose all ability to control movement below the site. This is a complete spinal cord injury. Others may have some sensory or motor function below the injury. This is an incomplete spinal cord injury. In incomplete injuries, there are varying degrees.

Patients may experience altered sensations, loss of movement and exaggerated spasms. Trauma to the head and neck can result in a series of different symptoms at varying degrees.

This information is meant to provide you with an idea about signs of spinal cord injuries, but should not be used as legal advice.